This is such an important topic. It's hard to put this into words that will stress how important this can be but I am going to try. I have learned this from personally watching my family struggle.
Life insurance is not a waste of money. Life insurance gives quality of life to the ones you leave behind. Life insurance can make the difference between keeping the peace in a family or having it damaged and having someone hurt and left bitter.
If you have lost someone you love you know how painful it is. Now think if something happened to you who would you leave hurting. Would you want to make it a little easier on them? They don't need to be worrying about how to pay for the funeral cost. There doesn't need to be one sibling that won't pitch in and leaves it to the other siblings to pay the funeral cost. They don't need to have to think about how the mortgage will be paid. They don't need to worry about the unexpected hospital bills. What about college for your children? There are different expenses depending on your individual circumstances but everyone has some kind of expenses that they will be leaving behind.
I don't mean you need to leave your family a huge amount of life insurance so they can retire. But what you should do is have enough life insurance to at least pay for your final expenses.
If you have young children you should have enough life insurance to help take care of them. Think also about money they can use for college. A good policy for a parent with young children is a term life policy. They are less expensive than a whole life policy and you can purchase a 10, 20 and sometimes even a 30 year term that will cover those years while your children are growing up.
If you are young you should take out a small whole life policy that you can afford and plan to keep it your "whole life". That way even when your mortgage is paid off and your children are grown you will have that policy to cover final expenses. The best time to start a life policy is when you are young and healthy. Life insurance gets more expensive as you get older and usually, not if, but when you develop health problems. Get those rates locked in now.
It's not about selling you a life policy. It's about being responsible and having peace of mind. It's about not leaving someone more broken hearted. Let your loved ones know you loved them by letting them have time to grieve for YOU and not over finances.
If you would like a free quote with no pressure and no obligation give us a call. We will just give you the facts and answer any questions you may have.
Foster Grace Insurance Agency Inc
122 S Main St
Monroe, NC 28112
(704)289-6437 phone

Posted 10:09 PM
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